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FROM THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE We, the caretakers of God’s gifts, are involved in a lifelong process of coming to recognize and believe all we have is a gift from God. We invite all people to recognize their gifts and express them in prayer, worship, sharing and action. This lifelong experience enhances our relationship with God and one another.


Based on several parables and many apostolic instructions, Jesus’ disciples understood they were to share their gifts with others. Gratefully caring for and sharing our gifts leads us to fulfill the mission of the parish, diocese and universal church.


Stewardship as a way of life has astonishing implications for our relationships and daily lives. We can experience joyful changes of mind and heart as we commit ourselves to the Lord. Members of this ministry are excited to develop ways to contribute to the growth of our parish community. Stewardship cultivated the following ministries: Library and Media, Bi-lingual Bridge, Welcome, Bereavement, and the parish Website. It is our heartfelt hope that these ministries foster the religious education, appreciation and enjoyment of our congregation.


The Stewardship committee meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in David’s room at the Parish Hall. We invite your participation. -- Dee Hamill, Chair,The Sacred Heart Catholic Church Stewardship Committee


Sacred Heart Red Bluff Ministry and Organization Directory
Posted May 12, 2014
Sacred Heart RB Ministry Brochure (Docum
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB
April 21
April 21